The Hillsboro Beach Advocates (HBA – an ad hoc citizens’ group) is preparing for the March election of three of our five Town Commissioners. HBA wants to assure that progress on managing our beach is accelerated by voting in the right candidates. Here’s why:
Over the past six decades, Hillsboro Beach has suffered significant beach erosion resulting from the combined impact of the Boca Raton Inlet and the man-installed ocean rock formations adjacent to Deerfield Beach (Deerfield groins). The combined erosive impact has resulted in six re-nourishments, costing the citizens of Hillsboro Beach over $11 million and counting.
The Town of Hillsboro Beach has just begun to address the root causes of our erosion problem but needs to do much more, in the opinion of the HBA.
Interaction between HBA and Hillsboro Beach Commission
The HBA has researched the technical issues of beach erosion and the licensing and permitting by state and federal agencies of the two entities causing major erosion to our beach. HBA has developed a strategic plan of how to proceed to mitigate the impact of the Boca Inlet and the Deerfield groins. These efforts have been shared with our Commission and specific steps proposed. These significant efforts have yielded a few positive results; however, HBA believes much more should be done.
The Town of Hillsboro Beach should have a high-priority goal of reducing the need for expensive, frequent re-nourishment projects. To accomplish this goal, the Town must be more pro-active than it has been in the past. The Town Commission must work with many entities to get results: the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the US Army Corps of Engineers, County, State and Federal appointed and elected officials, our neighboring towns and our town residents. This is a difficult task that the HBA has been advocating since its founding. We need to work in harmony to improve our chances of success.
Looking ahead
In the upcoming March 2015 election, three of the current Commissioners' terms will expire. The citizens of Hillsboro Beach will be presented with an invaluable opportunity to elect Commissioners who will put the interest of the Town above all others. If we, the citizens of Hillsboro Beach, do not capitalize on this opportunity, the status quo of the past six decades will persist.
What needs to be done?
The HBA has been working hard to find qualified candidates to fill the Commissioner openings that will be available in March 2015 with dedicated individuals willing to take on this challenge.
If you feel you are the right person or know of someone you feel comfortable recommending, please step forward now. Now is the time we all need your help.
Hillsboro Beach Advocates
Working to save your sand and tax dollars
The Hillsboro Beach Advocates (HBA – an ad hoc citizens’ group) is preparing for the March election of three of our five Town Commissioners. HBA wants to assure that progress on managing our beach is accelerated by voting in the right candidates. Here’s why:
Over the past six decades, Hillsboro Beach has suffered significant beach erosion resulting from the combined impact of the Boca Raton Inlet and the man-installed ocean rock formations adjacent to Deerfield Beach (Deerfield groins). The combined erosive impact has resulted in six re-nourishments, costing the citizens of Hillsboro Beach over $11 million and counting.
The Town of Hillsboro Beach has just begun to address the root causes of our erosion problem but needs to do much more, in the opinion of the HBA.
Interaction between HBA and Hillsboro Beach Commission
The HBA has researched the technical issues of beach erosion and the licensing and permitting by state and federal agencies of the two entities causing major erosion to our beach. HBA has developed a strategic plan of how to proceed to mitigate the impact of the Boca Inlet and the Deerfield groins. These efforts have been shared with our Commission and specific steps proposed. These significant efforts have yielded a few positive results; however, HBA believes much more should be done.
The Town of Hillsboro Beach should have a high-priority goal of reducing the need for expensive, frequent re-nourishment projects. To accomplish this goal, the Town must be more pro-active than it has been in the past. The Town Commission must work with many entities to get results: the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the US Army Corps of Engineers, County, State and Federal appointed and elected officials, our neighboring towns and our town residents. This is a difficult task that the HBA has been advocating since its founding. We need to work in harmony to improve our chances of success.
Looking ahead
In the upcoming March 2015 election, three of the current Commissioners' terms will expire. The citizens of Hillsboro Beach will be presented with an invaluable opportunity to elect Commissioners who will put the interest of the Town above all others. If we, the citizens of Hillsboro Beach, do not capitalize on this opportunity, the status quo of the past six decades will persist.
What needs to be done?
The HBA has been working hard to find qualified candidates to fill the Commissioner openings that will be available in March 2015 with dedicated individuals willing to take on this challenge.
If you feel you are the right person or know of someone you feel comfortable recommending, please step forward now. Now is the time we all need your help.
Click Here to Volunteer or Recommend
Hillsboro Beach Advocates
Working to save your sand and tax dollars