- For those who might inquire as to how they can personally help aside from contacting their commissioners, two graphs in Excel or similar are needed. Beach Costs over Time and Dredge Volumes by Inlet over Time in color with legends would be well worth the effort. Costs could show the exponential cost per yard since the onset of nourishments starting in 1972. This is a level 2 job where the Beach Costs worksheet might be used as a source document.
- The dredge graph could be a bar chart as was furnished by the CSI inlet report with a second set of bars showing the higher volumes in Hillsboro behind the first. I would side with Rene in dismissing the 343,000 cubic yards of the ebb shoal back pumped north instead of south in Boca Raton in 2006. Somehow the accumulating deficit must surface. An ascending line in front of the bars would show how much Hillsboro is in the “red.” This is a level 4 job.
- Show our beach assessment by typical home owner/typical condo owner given the $12,600 scheme by PMG Associates report on apportionment of beach fill costs. The cost shown in 1972 vs today should be very revealing.
- Figure for a moment, the cost to Boca to dredge over the years, plus the hired dredge to remove the shoal plus other costs to maintain their inlet like engineering and permits. Add that total and divide it by the number of boat passing's that enter and exit the Boca. What is the cost per boat passage?
- Grandfathered. This will undoubtedly surface by the USACE as a defense for the rock groins—they will be considered grandfathered and not subject to current law. But there are a slew of exceptions. Find them! This is a research level 1 project.
- …work is not an unreasonable obstruction to navigation…. This will be the Army’s primary defense for permitting the Deerfield groins and appears in most every permit. Any accidents in the past 52 years “on the rocks” would be a blessing and discredit this reasoning for permitting while causing Hillsboro Beach millions of dollars in nourishment costs. Turtles, boats, surfboards, paddle boards, bogie boards, inner tubes, ship and refugee groundings are all possibilities. Personal injuries are one more reason not to place hazards in the swim zone. Deerfield’s Fire Chief would be a prime source for a Section 119 public information request.
- If this ever went to court, one of the strange arguments likely to surface from the legal team at Army headquarters in Jacksonville is the doctrine of laches which is a defense that bars recovery because of undue delay in seeking relief. With the exception of deceased Mayor Ernest Wooler, no commissioners have issued a written complaint to the Corps regarding downdrift damages as a result of their permit to install the Deerfield groins in 52 years. This might be used in the upcoming rebuttal from the Inspectors General if we ever get that far. Any and all complaints from Hillsboro Beach residents or officials to the Army need to be examined in detail—if they exist. Create a list and document the source.
- Public beach access options given the new rules like bicycle parking and bus stops needs examination given Hillsboro Beach geography. Most every resident opposes such access but the cost could be millions without a path from Deerfield. See: CHAPTER 62B-36 BEACH MANAGEMENT FUNDING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. Propose possibilities based on Hillsboro’s current build out to maximize funding while minimizing access.
- Canaveral Harbor litigation—similarities & differences. Start here: http://www.fsbpa.com/09amproceedings/Bodge2009AM.pdf
Investigate why Deerfield failed to take their 2011 sand and what should have been done by our commissioners. Bear in mind Deerfield just signed a contract to buy trucked sand at more than triple the price of the dredged sand for the identical location. It is widely held that such action was dealing in bad faith. Such a finding would discredit official Deerfield testimony if solicited. Taken by: Arniemr@verizon.net- Examine relevant groin and inlet permits for evidence to support the Hillsboro cause; e.g. 2.c: This permit does not authorize any injury to the property or rights of others as written on one groin permit. There are multiple groin and inlet permits. Lots of reading scans of old carbon copies is required.
- Search the following document for applicable best management practice as evidence. http://www.saj.usace.army.mil/Portals/44/docs/Planning/EnvironmentalBranch/EnvironmentalDocs/SPBA17feb2011.pdf Produce a report quoting relevant text with the source page.
Locate more Hillsboro Beach property owner email addresses for the HillsboroBeachAdvocates@Gmail.com email blasts. Taken by Janet Lorenc Park .- Research
Boca Inlet bypass permits from the DEP website: Index of
Name Size [parent directory]
Boca Inlet Sketches.pdf 2.3 MB RAI_#1 Response/
Request for DEP Renewal 061509.pdf 2.3 MB - Find the 2004/2005 letter from Broward County to Hillsboro Beach which is the contract that restricts proof of damages for the 2005 such dredge that took sand just off Hillsboro’s shore.
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