Sunday, May 4, 2014

Summary of Meeting of April 30, 2014

A short meeting was held at Opal towers to inform the pubic of what our town's long term beach issues are, why they are happening, how we propose to start solving the problem and what our town's residents can do about it.

The meeting was an unqualified success. All of our objectives were met and surpassed!

We described in very understandable terms exactly where and how beach erosion is taking place, from Port de Mer downdrift for a mile. The action of the Deerfield groins as well as the sand volumes being passed from the Boca inlet were shown and related to our beach erosion.

We next described what an appropriate action should be - to petition the Inspectors General of the permitting agencies to review the harmful outcomes, why this is the right next step and why we think the Town commission should take the lead.

Finally, we asked the attendees and residents at large to support us by signing a petition to the Commissioners asking them to initiate the above actions.

There was a 20 minute question and answer period following this to respond to anyone's inquiry. Applause was generous at many points and the meeting was very cordial. About 60 to 70 people were present.

For those wishing to stay, we showed the 'Where is the Sand' presentation which had also been shown during the Town's 75th birthday celebration.

To our knowledge, almost everyone there supported our cause and returned a signed petition or had emailed their support in advance. Many people also took petitions with them for friends and neighbors to fill in.

The press was represented.


The next Commission meeting is on May 6 at 9:00 AM. We need residents to be present, whether you choose to speak during the public comment period or not. Many of us will be there making presentations. It should be interesting.

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